Using The Google Apps Domain Source Redirect Setting

Recently, Google Apps added a setting to the domain administrator desktop GUI, which controls the redirect of the domain origin (aka "naked domain"). We initially observed this setting, equally an alternative inward working to a greater extent than or less the employment of setting the domain origin redirect, inward the Blogger Publishing "Advanced Settings" wizard. It's equally good possible that this setting should live on used inward recycling the domain settings, when faced amongst the "dreaded "Another weblog ..." error.

Use of the Google Apps Domain Redirect setting is non complicated. It starts amongst setup of the domain administrator account. For whatsoever newly purchased domain - equally good equally for domains purchased straight from a registrar, it's a fairly uncomplicated thing to setup a Google Apps domain administrator employment organization human relationship - therefore to laid (or reset) the redirect.

Having logged inward to your novel Google Apps account, equally the domain administrator, you lot but click on "Domain settings", therefore "Domain names". Under the Status column for your domain, you'll disclose the link to "Change redirect". Hoping that you lot bring a measure asymmetrical DNS configuration for the domain, already setup, you lot tin ignore the warning
To enable this redirect, you lot must change the H5N1 record amongst your domain host.
and but click on "Redirect your naked domain" (for a novel domain), or "Change redirect" (for an existing domain).


This is a novel domain, amongst the domain origin non notwithstanding redirected.
This is an existing domain, amongst the domain origin redirected to "".
If the domain DNS addresses are non setup amongst both the source in addition to target of the redirect (the "naked domain" in addition to alias) pointing straight to the proper Google servers, equally inward either the symmetrical or asymmetrical DNS address configuration, the redirect setting is useless. The redirect alone industrial plant inside Google servers. This is some other scenario where DNS addresses which role forwarding volition non work.

The "Change how your naked domain is redirected" display but lets you lot designate the "www" (or whatsoever alternate) alias equally the target for the naked domain redirect.
Designate a spider web address to postulate your users to when they access your naked domain.
Entering the target (defaulting, simply, to "www"), therefore hitting "Save changes", you lot are done amongst this procedure. Now, the domain origin should redirect to the alias of your choice.

If you lot are recycling the domain settings, you'll desire to modify the redirect setting to something other than "www" - allow us nation "test" - therefore modify dorsum to "www".
  1. Set the redirect to "test", in addition to striking "Save changes".
  2. Set the redirect to "www", in addition to striking "Save changes".
  3. You're done amongst this exercise.
If you lot are clearing the setting, therefore you lot tin maintain amongst the Blogger Publishing process, you lot may shorten the do a bit.
  1. Set the redirect to "test", in addition to striking "Save changes".
  2. You're done amongst this exercise.
In either case, you lot at in ane trial maintain amongst the master copy chore at hand, if necessary.

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