The Novel Gui (2011) Volition Shortly Perish The Blogger Gui
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
This month, nosotros are seeing a sign of the terminate of The Classic Blogger GUI, coming soon.
My personal persuasion is that the New Blogger GUI all the same lacks features as well as stability. I don't intend that I am alone.
We accept a rollup discussion, where your persuasion volition hold upward appreciated. Please hold upward objective as well as polite.
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We've all been expecting this, for a spell - simply it's all the same a shock. Some of us are concerned that forced utilisation of the New GUI volition drive problems inwards productivity, if non weblog functionality.The former Blogger interface volition hold upward removed inwards the coming days. We've made many improvements to the novel Blogger interface. Learn more You tin plow over notice upgrade to the novel interface at whatever time.
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