Deleted Pages Are Non Recoverable, Similar Posts

Blog owners occasionally delete spider web log content, as well as afterwards alter their mind.
How arrive at I recover a post, after I deleted it from my blog?
Sometimes, knowing the URL - or at to the lowest degree the championship - of a post, nosotros tin remember the ship from the Blogger database. In other cases, it may survive possible to remember ship content from a cached newsfeed.

Some spider web log owners similar to develop a spider web log using static pages - as well as this presents a chip to a greater extent than of a challenge, when a static page is deleted.

Searching for a deleted static page is non the same every bit searching for a deleted post.

Static pages are non easily searchable - nor are they cached, every bit often. They are called "static", for a reason.
  • They don't look inwards newsfeeds.
  • They by as well as large don't look inwards sitemaps.
  • They can't survive indexed using Blogger straight searches.

Static pages don't look inwards newsfeeds.
Blog posts look inwards the "blog posts feeds". There is no "blog pages feeds", because static pages are non designed to look inwards newsfeeds.

Static pages by as well as large don't look inwards sitemaps.
Blogger provides the pages sitemap, for optional use. Not many spider web log owners volition host meaning amounts of content, that needs indexing, on static pages. Many spider web log owners (I am one) host content that is non intended for indexing, using static pages.

Static pages can't survive indexed using Blogger straight searches.
Static pages arrive at non purpose labels - then they cannot survive indexed inwards the "/search" department of the spider web log structure. If y'all desire to search static pages, you'll convey to use a cached / custom search.

The bottom line.
If y'all host meaning spider web log content on a static page, it may survive indexed inwards a cache - only it will, well-nigh likely, survive indexed less frequently. Let's examine this example, from The Wayback Machine.

The static page was cached five times. The blog, inwards general, was cached sixteen times.

The static page was cached five times.

The earliest re-create would survive 2013, as well as the latest 2014.

The spider web log was cached sixteen times.

The earliest re-create would survive 2012, as well as the latest 2015.

When y'all remember deleted content, y'all desire to remember the well-nigh recent usable re-create of the content. Content cached sixteen times is significantly to a greater extent than probable to create a usable copy, than content cached five times. And whatever copies made inwards 2015 volition survive to a greater extent than upwardly to date, than copies inwards 2014.

And the Wayback Machine has non been known to convey every spider web log as well as website cached. If there's no cache, nosotros mightiness convey to expect at cached spider web log feed - as well as spider web log feed is alone available for posts. Static pages are non published, inwards the spider web log posts feed.

All inwards all, if y'all e'er require to recover deleted spider web log content, you're going to convey a ameliorate gamble of success if the content was a ship - as well as non a page.

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