Diagnose Facebook Gadget Problems

Adding a FaceBook developed gadget is - or should survive - exactly similar adding whatsoever HTML / JavaScript gadget.

Sometime, though, adding a FaceBook gadget exactly does non ambit hoped for results. We run into the job reports inwards the FaceBook Debugger wizard is unlikely to furnish whatsoever help.

FaceBook supplied gadgets, when provided yesteryear FaceBook Developers from their website, are likely almost every bit reliable every bit Blogger supplied gadgets, installed using "Add a Gadget" - Basics.

Even so, adding a FaceBook Developers provided gadget is dependent plain to known gadget problems - as well as around problems, unique to FaceBook gadgets.
  • Adding a tertiary political party gadget, non provided yesteryear FaceBook Developers.
  • Editing an HTML gadget, inwards "Rich Text" mode.
  • Using the "Add your own" code, instead of the "HTML / JavaScript" gadget.
  • Lacking the Facebook SDK for JavaScript.

Adding a tertiary political party gadget, non provided yesteryear FaceBook Developers.

Only add together official FaceBook Developers gadgets, from distributing FaceBook branded gadgets, from their websites.

Using a FaceBook branded gadget, non provided yesteryear FaceBook Developers, volition not survive skillful for your blog, inwards the long run.

Editing an HTML gadget, inwards "Rich Text" mode.

If you lot add together HTML / JavaScript code to a criterion gadget, as well as you lot edit the gadget inwards "Rich Text" mode, the gadget volition non work. Perversely, Blogger gadgets edited inwards "Rich Text" trend volition display the caption "Edit Html".

If you lot edit an HTML / JavaScript gadget, with "Edit Html" displayed, you lot volition survive inwards "Rich Text" mode - as well as your HTML / JavaScript code volition survive interpreted every bit rich text. The gadget volition non work.

When you lot edit HTML / JavaScript code, such every bit FaceBook gadget code, ever ambit as well as thence amongst "Rich Text" displayed every bit a caption.

Using the "Add your own" code, instead of the "HTML / JavaScript" gadget.

When you lot add together an "HTML / JavaScript" gadget, you lot must select "HTML / JavaScript" from the "Basics" menu, every bit establish inwards the "Add a Gadget" wizard. The "Add your own" carte du jour tab provides a musical rhythm for adding XML coded gadgets.

Almost everybody who reads these instructions volition postulate to work the "HTML / JavaScript" gadget inwards "Basics". The few of you lot who ambit non volition know when to work "Add your own", as well as when to work "Basics".

Lacking the Facebook SDK for JavaScript.

FaceBook gadgets postulate the FaceBook SDK for JavaScript. Blogger blogs amongst criterion templates volition accept the SDK already - every bit most Blogger blogs routinely incorporate i or to a greater extent than FaceBook buttons.

The "Share Buttons" toolbar, for instance, contains a FaceBook Share button.

Some Blogger blogs - similar around third political party templates - may non routinely charge the FaceBook SDK. If a genuine FaceBook Developers gadget, added using "Add a Gadget" - Basics, edited inwards HTML mode, does non work, it may postulate the SDK loaded. This is non hard to do.

The SDK code tin post away survive added into an existing Blogger HTML gadget - or you lot may work a divide gadget. If you lot are adding a unmarried FaceBook gadget - every bit inwards this practise - exactly add together the SDK code inwards front end of the FaceBook gadget code.

You mightiness have:
<!-- Your similar push code --> <div class="fb-like" data-href="http://www.your-domain.com/your-page.html" data-layout="standard" data-action="like" data-show-faces="true"> </div>
Add the SDK code:
<!-- Load Facebook SDK for JavaScript --> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script> <!-- Your similar push code --> <div class="fb-like" data-href="http://www.your-domain.com/your-page.html" data-layout="standard" data-action="like" data-show-faces="true"> </div>

And that volition survive that.

The bottom job is simple.

If you lot are adding a FaceBook gadget, exactly add together a criterion "HTML / JavaScript" gadget, amongst the necessary FaceBook code. It is non necessary to use the Template Editor - nor volition you lot postulate XML escape code, enveloping the HTML / JavaScript code.

Keep it simple, popular off it working - as well as get dorsum to work, inwards your blog.

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