Copy Too Glue The Ownership Verification Details

The Custom Domain Ownership Verification requirement has been amongst us for over a twelvemonth - in addition to nosotros nonetheless run across confusion, in addition to easily corrected mistakes.

One of the close frustrating mistakes involves mistyping of the details.
I popular off on getting an "Error 12". My registrar insists that the DNS addresses are right.
But, the registrar must hold upwards wrong, since the spider web log only can't hold upwards published!

When y'all type the base of operations domain DNS addresses, into the registrar's zone editor, eyeballing what y'all type is somewhat obvious. Either y'all larn it right - or y'all don't. Typing the domain ownership verification details, on the other hand, is non hence simple.

When y'all setup your domain, y'all know the domain name. Who's buried, inwards Grant's Tomb, anyway?

You likely spent hours, choosing only the right domain name. Choosing an available, yet memorable, domain get upwards is non a unproblematic task. Some consultants brand the domain get upwards an essential, initial choice, inwards setting upwards a company.

Since y'all know the domain, when y'all setup the base of operations DNS addresses, it's reasonably slow to larn that right. Having gotten the base of operations DNS addresses setup only right, y'all endeavour to publish the spider web log to the domain - in addition to directly y'all larn the infamous "Error 12".

An instance of the "Error 12" display.
See the short, in addition to long, tokens?

The work amongst the "Error 12" is non only having to setup 1 to a greater extent than DNS address. You already setup 2 - or perhaps 5 - to larn the base of operations DNS addresses. The big work hither is the content of this minute "CNAME".

You know every grapheme of the base of operations DNS addresses. You've typed all of that, over in addition to over. Then, y'all await at the minute "CNAME" - which contains pure random garbage.

Pure random garbage that is essential, on a grapheme yesteryear grapheme basis. Get only 1 grapheme incorrect - or omitted - or contrary whatever characters, inwards sequence - in addition to the "Error 12" never goes away.

  • The “Name / Label / Host” value ("short token") is just 12 characters.
  • The Destination / Target / Points To” random value ("long token") is just fourteen characters.
  • Do non confuse a “O” / “o” (alphabetic characters) amongst a “0” (numeric character).
  • Do non confuse an “l” or "t" (alphabetic characters) or a “1” (numeric character).
  • Do non confuse a "w" (single, alphabetic character) amongst a "vv" (two alphabetic characters).

Do y'all stimulate got a skillful character magnifying drinking glass handy? Use it - in addition to await at the differences in addition to similarities, inwards the inwards a higher house five cases used above, equally examples.

When y'all larn an "Error 12" or similar, in addition to the message includes a section
Name, Label or Host champaign Destination, Target or Points To field
The alone proper physical care for hither involves role of the clipboard. Copy / glue the short token, in addition to hence re-create / glue the long token.

Don't type yesteryear hand. Please. And when y'all re-create in addition to hence paste, popular off on inwards hear the zone editor entry syntax, which is essential to a working domain - in addition to differs from registrar to registrar.

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