Comment Publishing Preview, Too Mistake 400
Thursday, February 28, 2013
We're seeing a work amongst Blogger Hosted Comments - as well as "Bad Request Error 400", next the piece of work of the comment "Preview" feature.
When a weblog possessor or reader composes a long or of import comment, piece of work of the Preview characteristic is normal. Right now, later hitting "Publish", next a successful Preview, 1 oftentimes sees the bad news.
Until Blogger Engineers hit the "Error 400" problem, at that spot is a workaround - as well as the workaround adds rattling fiddling fourth dimension to comment publishing.
The nigh obvious alternative would survive to non piece of work Preview. But how good tin you lot eyeball your comment, without Preview?
If you lot discovery it inconvenient to eyeball depository fiscal establishment jibe a comment without using Preview, it's a modest examine to re-create hence paste, earlier Publishing. Just a fiddling planning, earlier composing, lets you lot re-create hence paste.
OMG, where is my comment? All my work, gone??
Opening a novel tab / window lets you lot publish, later the preview / edit cycles (and avoid the "Error 400"), when composing an of import or long comment.
Here's the fundamental to the workaround. "Open link inwards novel tab" - a context carte du jour option, for whatever link.
With nigh browsers, you'll either "Alt" click or correct click on the link, to larn the context menu.
Recover the comment content, if you're looking at the "Error 400".
If you're looking at the "Error 400" display, correct now, refresh the display as well as follow the prompts. Recover the comment composition window, amongst your piece of work inwards progress. Skip ahead, to Step #6.
Open the post, where a comment is needed.
Start amongst a postal service - as well as the "Post a Comment" link at the bottom of the post.
Open a comment composition window, inwards a novel tab / window.
Click on the "Post a Comment" link - as well as piece of work the "Open inwards novel tab / window" browser option. With nigh browsers, you'll either "Alt" click or correct click on the link, to larn the context carte du jour - as well as the "Open inwards novel tab" / "Open inwards novel window" option.
Compose the comment, carefully edited.
Use Preview as well as Edit, as well as the composition window, every bit necessary. Compose, preview, as well as edit - until your comment is properly phrased.
When satisfied past times the Preview display, click Edit in 1 lawsuit more.
If it's an of import or long comment, you'll piece of work the Preview - Edit sequence, a few times. Just finish, amongst a finally "Edit".
Copy the edited comment.
From the comment composition window, hitting "Ctrl - A" to conduct everything every bit edited, hence "Ctrl - C" to copy.
Close that browser tab / window.
Close the tab / window - as well as bid good daytime to the carefully written content, as well as the Bad Request.
Open a comment composition window, again.
Click on "Post a Comment" from the displayed postal service - again, using "New tab / window". You volition stimulate got an empty comment composition window.
Immediately glue into the novel comment composition window.
Immediately glue the copied comment ("Ctrl - V") into the empty comment composition window.
Immediately Publish.
You already previewed as well as edited your comment - now, Publish.
The comment publishes - and, you're done.
Do this a few times - you'll run across that this adds peradventure xxx seconds to the comment composition / preview / edit cycle.
How long does it stimulate got to compose (preview, edit) a comment, to your liking? I stimulate got a lot longer than xxx seconds.
Just copy, close, open, paste, as well as publish.
And you're done.
Publishing a comment, using #Blogger hosted comments, next piece of work of the Preview feature, subjects us to "Bad Request Error 400". Using a browser supplied novel tab / window, as well as copying hence pasting, nosotros tin workaround the "Error 400".
When a weblog possessor or reader composes a long or of import comment, piece of work of the Preview characteristic is normal. Right now, later hitting "Publish", next a successful Preview, 1 oftentimes sees the bad news.
Bad RequestThere is a workaround for this annoyance - as well as it's non hard to use.
Error 400
Until Blogger Engineers hit the "Error 400" problem, at that spot is a workaround - as well as the workaround adds rattling fiddling fourth dimension to comment publishing.
The nigh obvious alternative would survive to non piece of work Preview. But how good tin you lot eyeball your comment, without Preview?
If you lot discovery it inconvenient to eyeball depository fiscal establishment jibe a comment without using Preview, it's a modest examine to re-create hence paste, earlier Publishing. Just a fiddling planning, earlier composing, lets you lot re-create hence paste.
OMG, where is my comment? All my work, gone??
Opening a novel tab / window lets you lot publish, later the preview / edit cycles (and avoid the "Error 400"), when composing an of import or long comment.
Here's the fundamental to the workaround. "Open link inwards novel tab" - a context carte du jour option, for whatever link.
With nigh browsers, you'll either "Alt" click or correct click on the link, to larn the context menu.
- Recover the comment content, if you're looking at the "Error 400".
- Open the post, where a comment is needed.
- Open a comment composition window, inwards a novel tab / window.
- Compose the comment, carefully edited.
- When satisfied past times the Preview display, click Edit in 1 lawsuit more.
- Copy the edited comment.
- Close that browser tab / window.
- Open a comment composition window, again.
- Immediately glue into the novel comment composition window.
- Immediately Publish.
- Done.
Recover the comment content, if you're looking at the "Error 400".
If you're looking at the "Error 400" display, correct now, refresh the display as well as follow the prompts. Recover the comment composition window, amongst your piece of work inwards progress. Skip ahead, to Step #6.
Open the post, where a comment is needed.
Start amongst a postal service - as well as the "Post a Comment" link at the bottom of the post.
Open a comment composition window, inwards a novel tab / window.
Click on the "Post a Comment" link - as well as piece of work the "Open inwards novel tab / window" browser option. With nigh browsers, you'll either "Alt" click or correct click on the link, to larn the context carte du jour - as well as the "Open inwards novel tab" / "Open inwards novel window" option.
Compose the comment, carefully edited.
Use Preview as well as Edit, as well as the composition window, every bit necessary. Compose, preview, as well as edit - until your comment is properly phrased.
When satisfied past times the Preview display, click Edit in 1 lawsuit more.
If it's an of import or long comment, you'll piece of work the Preview - Edit sequence, a few times. Just finish, amongst a finally "Edit".
Copy the edited comment.
From the comment composition window, hitting "Ctrl - A" to conduct everything every bit edited, hence "Ctrl - C" to copy.
Close that browser tab / window.
Close the tab / window - as well as bid good daytime to the carefully written content, as well as the Bad Request.
Open a comment composition window, again.
Click on "Post a Comment" from the displayed postal service - again, using "New tab / window". You volition stimulate got an empty comment composition window.
Immediately glue into the novel comment composition window.
Immediately glue the copied comment ("Ctrl - V") into the empty comment composition window.
Immediately Publish.
You already previewed as well as edited your comment - now, Publish.
The comment publishes - and, you're done.
Do this a few times - you'll run across that this adds peradventure xxx seconds to the comment composition / preview / edit cycle.
How long does it stimulate got to compose (preview, edit) a comment, to your liking? I stimulate got a lot longer than xxx seconds.
Just copy, close, open, paste, as well as publish.
And you're done.
Publishing a comment, using #Blogger hosted comments, next piece of work of the Preview feature, subjects us to "Bad Request Error 400". Using a browser supplied novel tab / window, as well as copying hence pasting, nosotros tin workaround the "Error 400".