The Novel Followers Gadget - Blocking Followers

With the pre 2016 Followers gadget, the Followers population for a weblog was managed through an Options link on the Followers gadget.

This required the weblog possessor to sign into the Followers gadget, to access the Options link. Authentication - as well as an possessor specific Options carte du jour - is no longer a pert of the Followers gadget.

It is possible to Block Followers, from a weblog - the pick is simply non part of the Followers gadget, whatsoever more.

Previously, the pick to Block a Follower was part of the Options menu, inwards the Followers gadget.

To ensure that entirely a weblog administrator was able to Block a Follower - or create diverse other weblog to viewer functions - the Block pick was part of a complex wizard, accessed past times a weblog administrator.

This required the mightiness to authenticate a viewer - separately from the Blogger / Google login. This, inwards turn, made the Followers gadget complicated - as well as Pb to occasional malfunctions.

To simplify the Followers gadget, at that spot is no postulate to login to the gadget, whatsoever more.

Now, the mightiness to Block unwanted Followers is part of a weblog administrator Stats page. On the Stats Overview page, await for the Followers count.

The expose which displays the Followers count is at nowadays a link. Clicking on the number, i tin access the "Manage followers" wizard.

This weblog has 4,954 Followers. Click on "4,954" (right now).

And at that spot is the "Manage followers for " wizard. Each Follower at nowadays has a "Block" button, patently visible.

Since entirely a weblog administrator has access to the Stats dashboard page, at that spot is no postulate for a dissever Followers login. Just click on the Followers count, on the Overview page.

And the Followers gadget has only i option - the button, forthwith visible to each weblog viewer.
  • Follow (if non currently Following).
  • Unfollow (if currently Following).

The Follow / Unfollow push clitoris applies to administrators, authors, as well as readers alike. Now, at that spot is no postulate to pose a someone every bit related to a weblog - except every bit whether this someone is currently Following the blog.

Simplicity - for weblog administrators, weblog viewers, as well as Blogger developers.

When the #Blogger Followers gadget was re written inwards 2016, the "Options" carte du jour - as well as the postulate to login to Following separately - was removed from the gadget.

The mightiness to Block selected Followers, previously part of the Options wizard, is at nowadays part of the Stats dashboard page.

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