Dynamic Templates Display Blogs Inward 1 Page

Ever since Blogger installed auto pagination. Blogger weblog owners convey been asking
How create I disable auto pagination?
Why can't I display my weblog on the principal page, without my readers having to purpose "Older Posts?
The response, upwards to this year, has been simple.
You cannot disable auto pagination. You convey to allow sharing of network resources.
Though technically correct, the latter answer has non ever been met alongside appreciation.

The solution, for avoiding auto pagination, is at nowadays simple. Install a dynamic template, on your blog.

With a dynamic display, an entire weblog is presented inwards principal page view, alongside no archiving needed.

A dynamic thought presents 1 page at a fourth dimension - exactly without requiring clicking.

You overstep 1 display page at a fourth dimension - either the index, or weblog content, depending upon which thought you lot select. To come across before content, you lot only scroll downwards, in addition to aspect a few seconds acre the display refreshes.

The display is even in addition to then segmented - the segments are only selected fluidly. When the display is scrolled to the bottom, the dynamic display code (running on the personal reckoner of the reader) only requests to a greater extent than or less other page of content, from the Blogger server.

The readers using a non dynamic weblog thought are non affected.

Since the content is coming from the weblog feed, your other readers, using a non dynamic thought of the blog, are non affected.

The average reader, who cannot come across whatsoever to a greater extent than than 1 page of content at a fourth dimension anyway (current monitor applied scientific discipline provides express sized displays) never knows, or cares (subject to bandwidth in addition to processor limitations) that the entire weblog is non downloaded to the local computer, immediately.

Within limits, you lot tin combine dynamic in addition to non dynamic views inwards 1 blog.

If you lot desire to allow your readers purpose a dynamic thought (non paginated), or a non dynamic thought (paginated), depending upon personal preference, you lot tin link the dynamic in addition to non dynamic views.

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